Frequently asked questions about Carbistry



Why are we building Carbistry?

To help Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) companies remove a cumulative 100 Million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by 2030.

Why are we building it now?

CDR companies are struggling with the long manual processes used for registry approval of project methodologies in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) and in the certification of carbon credits. This impedes their ability to finance new projects in order to scale their solutions.

For whom are we building it?

We are focused on companies that are developing engineered carbon removal projects that provide sufficient sensor based data on their CDR process to allow our solution to automatically secure and package representative data for carbon credit generation at our registry.

What’s the unique value of our product?

We provide secure, high quality, transparent, auditable and continuously generated carbon credits.

How is it aligned with our company’s vision?

Companies that adopt our solution will reduce their time to credit revenue for initial project approval and for additional locations. This will enhance their ability to attract investments and therefore allow them to scale their carbon removal projects more quickly.

How is it aligned with our business strategy?

Our strategy is to help engineered carbon removal companies scale their solutions faster by providing access to carbon credit revenues much more quickly than the traditional VCM registries.

What customer needs is Carbistry addressing?

  1. Simplify the complex and time consuming process of getting a project methodology approved by a VCM registry for engineered carbon removal projects.
  2. Simplify the process of getting new project locations approved by a VCM registry for engineered carbon removal projects.
  3. Reduce the operational burden of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) activities necessary for carbon credit generation
  4. Reduce the need for customers to prove their credits deliver the benefits claimed by providing a science based third party audit capability.

Why will Carbisty’s approach delight our customers?

  • Ensure data used for credit generation is secure, immutable and is of unquestionable quality.
  • Ensure the packaging algorithms for each project type are based on sound climate science which is verified by qualified third parties during the initial project methodology approval process.
  • Ensure the representative data sent to the registry can be easily and transparently traced back to the data set it originated from.
  • Ensure customer data is retained on their infrastructure (local storage, private cloud, etc) but still available for authorized audits from credit purchasers or 3rd party auditors. Note that the registry must reach through and confirm the availability of this data prior to recording any transaction related to the credits derived from the data. If this can’t be confirmed, the registry must flag this for audit or manual investigation.
  • Provide a power-on, hands-off startup process for the customer regardless of whether a Carbistry Gateway is used to capture and package data or a Carbistry software client is used on customer infrastructure.
  • Provide access to accurate and instant reporting on the status of the customer’s credits, credit generation velocity and on any issues with any of the credits or submitted representative data. This is to be done through a customer portal on the registry admin interface.
  • Overall focus of the design should be to eliminate required customer interactions yet allow full control and visibility into the end to end process should the customer desire it.